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SYBSc Practice Test 3

Type study: Scoliodon (Complete topic)
Max Marks: 40
Q1. Answer the following in one to two sentences                          [10X1=10]
             i.      Give systematic position of Scoliodon.
           ii.       Explain the structure of placoid scale.
        iii.      Mention two functions of scroll valve.
        iv.      Describe the habitat in which Scoliodon lives.
           v.      Give an account of coelom in Scoliodon.
        vi.      Where is blind sac present in Scoliodon?
      vii.      What is zero nerve / terminal nerve?
   viii.      In Scoliodon, spinal nerve divides in to how many branches? Name them.
        ix.      What are pit organs?
           x.      Explain the function of lorenzini in Scoliodon.
Q2. Answer any two of the following                                             [5X2=10]
             i.      Give an account of physiology of digestion in Scoliodon.
           ii.      Describe the structure of holobranch.
        iii.      Describe different parts of central nervous system in Scoliodon.
Q3. Answer any two of the following                                             [5X2=10]
             i.      Explain the structure of eyes with help of well labeled diagram.
           ii.      Give an account of excretion and osmoregulation in Scoliodon.
        iii.      Describe structure of heart in Scoliodon.

Q4. Answer any one of the following                                             [10X1=10]
             i.      Describe respiratory system and add a note on mechanism of respiration.
           ii.      Give an account of peripheral nervous system in Scoliodon.


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