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QB: Cell Biology- Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (Animal and Plant) Cell

2 Marks :
  1. Prokaryotic cell
  2. eukaryotic cell
  3. cell wall
  4. plasma membrane
  5. capsule 
  6. flagella
  7. pilli
  8. cytoplasm
  9. eukaryotic cell
  10. cytoskeleton
  11. nucleus
  12. chloroplast
  13. Endoplasmic reticulum
  14. golgi complex
  15. mitochondria
  16. peroxisomes
  17. ribosomes
  18. plasmodesmata
  19. vacuoles
4 marks :
  1. give characters of prokaryotic cell.
  2. give characters of eukaryotic cell.
  3. give characters of animal cell.
  4. give characters of plant cell.
8 marks :
  1. differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
  2. differentiate between animal cell and plant cell.
16 marks: 
  1. what is cell? explain types of cell with help of examples.


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