Chapter 3: Structure and Function of Cell Membrane
2 Marks:
- structural protein
- integral protein
- enzymes
- carrier proteins
- intrinsic protein
- extrinsic protein
- glycolipid
- glycoprotein
- lipoprotein
- lipid bilayer
- hydrophobic
- hydrophilic
- exocytosis
- endocytosis
- pinocytosis
- phagocytosis
4 marks:
- describe different types of proteins present in plasma membrane (cell membrane)
- explain the fluid mosaic structure of cell membrane
- explain the process of phagocytosis
- explain the process of pinocytosis
8 marks:
- describe the Fluid Mosaic Structure of Cell membrane with help of well labeled diagram
- explain the structure of cell membrane
- Describe the functions of cell membrane
16 marks:
- describe structure and function of cell membrane
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