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QB: Genetics- Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chromosomes
2 marks:
1.     What is chromosome?
2.     Mention different types of chromosomes based on position of centromere.
3.     What is euchromatin?
4.     What is heterochromatin?
5.     What are autosomes and heterosomes?
6.     Explain the term Deletion.
7.     Explain the term Duplication.
8.     Explain the term inversion.
9.     Explain the term Translocation.
10.                        What are the types of inversion?
11.                        What are the types of translocation?
4 marks:
1.     Explain different types of chromosomes based on position of centromere (diagram expected).
2.     Explain chromosomal aberration deletion.
3.     Explain chromosomal aberration duplication.
4.     Explain chromosomal aberration inversion.
5.     Explain chromosomal aberration translocation.
8 marks:
1.     Describe the structure of chromosome.
2.     Describe the types of structural aberrations. (explain all four aberrations in short)
16 marks:

1.     Describe the types of structural aberrations. (explain all four aberrations in detail)


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